After moving into my new house last week, iv decided to start this blog to keep myself on track on how i decorate and organize my new home.

First things first, I need to paint the living room walls because right now its got a boring magnolia color which isn't too pleasing for the eyes, on top of that, there are tons of cracks, scratches and creaks all over the wall.

My boyfriend has decided to do the first layer of painting, while i work on the bedroom upstairs. We decided to go for a cherry red 2 colour gradient for the living room, thats going to be our main colour. Since we are on a tight budget we are trying to save as much money as possible and for starters we had to calculate how much paint we needed, to do this my boyfriend downloaded a free app on the itunes app store called "Home DIY with Craig Phillips", its a free app that has a ton of cool features, one of them being a paint calculator which is exactly what we needed.

If your looking to save money by buying only the required amount of paint, i highly recommend you download the app on your iphone. Here is the link:  Home DIY. It also has a ton of other features like guides on how to correctly paint the walls and how to tie curtains correctly.

I'm thinking of buying a large red sofa to compliment the red wall colour, it looks like something you would see on a television show set, but i think it looks fabulous, check it out:

Please tell us what you guys think. Is it too big?

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    About the Author

    Rebbecca Winston, 25 years old interior home designer and iphone mobile app designer.


    December 2013

